Find, calculate and value your properties in one place powered by AI.
Mit Leverage findest du die Immobilie, die zu dir passt, mit allen Informationen die du brauchst.
Leverage makes your search for lucrative properties 81% easier. Search and find all properties available online and create a calculation with one click. Your very own personal metasearcher directly in Leverage!
The real estate calculator from Leverage helps you to calculate real estate correctly, to precisely analyze financial aspects such as yield and appreciation and thus to make the right investment decisions.
With the help of AI and countless market data, Leverage helps you to value your property and make the right purchase decision.
Leverage simplifies real estate investments, even for beginners. We focus on the essentials and make it easy to get started.
Instead of wasting your time with countless spreadsheets, you can use leverage to manage your real estate investments more efficiently, giving you more time for the important things in life.
Ja, die Basisversion ist immer kostenlos und wird es immer bleiben. Versprochen!